I want to extend a warm welcome to this poem home.
Enjoy your visit and I hope this will be a source of inspiration and encouragement.
Some of my roles include that of mother, grandmother and kindergarten educator (ret.).
Having composed songs for young children throughout my 27 years in the classroom,
I moved more into poetry following that period.
Please feel welcome to share these offerings with others as well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Be a Lighthouse

Be a lighthouse--
beaming and beckoning those who are at sea.

Be a lighthouse--
a tall, sturdy structure with open windows to your soul.

Be a lighthouse--
shining the way through the darkness and the storms.

Be a lighthouse--
warmly welcoming and kindly greeting
ones who truly know and softly embrace your inner treasures.

Be a lighthouse--
always lit from inside out and
shining out those truths that never fade away.

Be a lighthouse--
showing ones who cannot see
the ways to see.

for Mariel

Margery Layton