I want to extend a warm welcome to this poem home.
Enjoy your visit and I hope this will be a source of inspiration and encouragement.
Some of my roles include that of mother, grandmother and kindergarten educator (ret.).
Having composed songs for young children throughout my 27 years in the classroom,
I moved more into poetry following that period.
Please feel welcome to share these offerings with others as well.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Softly Spring

The heart of spring
is spring-filled hearts,
the kinds that give us all fresh starts.

The silent hopes
and quiet dreams
gather by the living streams.

A note of joy
and bluer sky
gift us with a gentle sigh.

A softer ground
from feathered snow
prepares our earth and helps us grow.

A cleansing rain
and rainbow spread
give cover to our garden bed.

A warmer sun
soft lights the way
and gives to each our newborn day.

Margery Layton
(In loving honor of Howard Waltz, an eternal spring)